Saturday, March 10, 2007

My advice to YOU (more favorite quotations)

The most important exercise we will ever do is reaching down and lifting someone up.

Eliminate all ANGER in your life. Anger management is something we all must continually work to eliminate. The major cause of all personal relationships that fail is the inability to manage anger. Never choose a relationship with a person with an anger management problem.

The man who gives his best EFFORT is sure of success, while the man who gives less than his best is always a failure.

Nothing worthwhile can be achieved in a short time period; It takes TIME and EFFORT to produce anything of quality and value.

Success seems to be a matter of hanging on after others have let go.

Togetherness is critical; we can live together as a family and win, or live separately as fools and lose. Where there is unity there is great power and strength. You can’t be successful if you stand-alone.

Nothing is as good or as bad as it seems, in reality everything is somewhere in between good and bad.

The first law of living is giving unselfishly, abundantly and with no strings attached.

The more we reach out to others, the stronger and richer, in every sense of the words, our lives become.

When you find something you absolutely love doing, something you could do all day and have more energy when you finished than when you started…you will discover what you were meant to do.

Don’t worry about anything, it never helps you, but it will harm you greatly.

As I see it, the last thing you want to do is very often the first thing you need to do.

It’s your responsibility to get the best education possible. It’s not the school or the teachers. You can control your own education and learning rate.


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